How SculpSure Helps You Lose Fat in Those Stubborn Areas

A woman considering a SculpSure laser treatment

Have you lost some weight, but there’s just that little bit left… that little bit you just can’t seem to get rid of? Maybe it’s a little roll at the bottom of your stomach or a little bit of flopping under your arms… your thighs…

It gets really frustrating when you do all this exercise, all these targeted workouts… and it just won’t go away. 

Before you give up, please read on because there are some other options aside from liposuction and fat removal surgery.

Why Can’t You Lose The Weight?

The great thing is you have lost weight and your fat cells are shrinking. Both the visceral fat that protects your organs and the subcutaneous fat that wiggles and giggles has shrunk.

But for most, that last little bit is so hard to lose. In the webinar I did about why it’s so hard to lose weight, I go into more detail about the different types of fats. You can read the summary in the blog here

That subcutaneous fat below your skin – you’re only able to flatten out so much on your own. That is why I offer the “cherry on top” service to take care of that. After people got close to or at their ideal body weight, I wanted something that would perfect the look. Something that would minimize the areas that were resistant to our strategic programs.

 I was introduced to  SculpSure about 5 years ago.

What Is SculpSure & Heat Based Fat Removal?

I chose SculpSure, the world’s first FDA-backed laser treatment for non-invasive fat reduction of love handles and stomach. It also helps your back, thighs, and under your chin.  It helps remove stubborn subcutaneous fat that is resistant to diet and exercise.  

I remember when a colleague passed me the information about SculpSure. I was like, “pfft, just another quick fix” But, I listened and got intrigued. I had been looking for something for my patients to give that last little boost. I knew about coolsculpting, but I wasn’t hearing great things about the pain, (shelving) or bumpy results because of inconsistent fat loss, and it only worked 50-60% of the time.

But I looked at this new therapy, though I was skeptical at first. So, I did my research and was floored. I started to think this could really work. It’s not going to hurt, it’s newer technology and the result is smooth and natural.

Now, how much is SculpSure?

it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I’ve seen some treatments run thousands of dollars. I thought to myself, many of my patients would benefit from this. This could be the final step that perfects their look.

And here we are, years later seeing amazing results.

What SculpSure Does

It’s the last piece of the fat removal puzzle. When the people I help lost a lot of weight and got healthier, they often had just that little bit extra that wouldn’t go away. I wanted a way to shrink the fat cells in my clients’ bodies and get rid of it so that it didn’t come back. 

SculpSure uses targeted light therapy to heat the fat cells under the surface of your skin without affecting the skin surface. By raising the temperature of the fat cells, they die. Then, the body removes them through natural detoxification and they are permanently gone. 

Many people see results within 6-weeks, with optimal results seen in approximately 12 weeks.

There are no incisions and no downtime, SculpSure patients can resume normal daily activities right away. You could go right back to work or the gym immediately after.

Most feel a warming sensation as the procedure starts, and the Contact Cooling™ system keeps your skin comfortable and safe. You will feel a tingling sensation intermittently throughout the treatment as the heat penetrates and the fat cells are destroyed. Side effects are extremely rare, and I haven’t seen outside of soreness.

So, after you work on the right diet and exercise, you’ve lost the weight, and you’re ready for the “cherry on top” to flatten your stomach, this light-based treatment, SculpSure can flatten you out and make your skin smooth.

If you want to learn more about this, give me a call. That way, we can sit down and talk about this treatment and what I can really do for you.
