Weight Loss and Nutrition Blog

What Food In Your Diet Causes High Cholesterol?

What Food In Your Diet Causes High Cholesterol?

You need fat. And a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet is probably making your cholesterol worse. I talked in my previous articles about how low-fat diets can rob your body of the building blocks for producing proper hormones and healthy tissues (link to part 1). I also told you how statins could cause more problems than they…
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Bowl of blue berries labeled with how to lower cholesterol

How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally

The best way to lower your cholesterol is to stop focusing on the cholesterol. There’s no fast fix, pill poppin’ or miracle cure that’s going to make you healthy and take care of the real cause of your high cholesterol. It takes real work to fix the root cause. This process is typically very fast. …
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why gut health is important

The Gut Reason You Can’t Lose Weight

  There’s a very real reason why you’re having trouble losing weight. It’s not what you think, and really, it’s not entirely your fault. I did a whole presentation on why your body struggles to lose weight and why you can’t keep it off (see below). So let me say: Weight loss just is not…
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Gut Bacteria Affects Weight Loss Efforts

We know that weight loss is complex, right? We’ve also heard that everything we do stems from our gut, but what exactly does that mean? The gut runs almost every function in the body from digestion to absorption, to helping getting rid of waste, to balancing hormones, and it even plays a role in the…
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Why HCG Works so Well for Weight Loss

Weighless MD is here to give you the breakdown of HCG and why it is so effective and beneficial for weight loss. Despite what you may have heard about HCG prior to reading this blog post, Weighless MD is here to reassure you that HCG is an effective and safe weight loss program.  Why HCG…
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