Wellness Injections
LIPOTROPIC – B12 – energy and restoration
This injection is an energy boosting combo of glutamine, ornithine, arginine, lysine, citrulline and hydroxocobalamin (absorbable form of B12). Each of these ingredients helps the body turn fat into energy and are also powerful antioxidants. It promotes brain acuity, enhances liver function and improves gut health.
The formula has ingredients to reduce appetite, build muscle and promote a healthy immune system.
Who would benefit from lipotropic – B12?
- Anyone with digestive issues
- Anyone with low-energy
- Anyone with high cholesterol
- Anyone with high stress/anxiety
- Anyone with chronic inflammation
- Anyone trying to lose weight
It is estimated that the majority of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D even if you live in sunny, warm climates. Vitamin D is crucial for optimal health. The benefits of vitamin D are vast and include the following: reduced inflammation. improved immune function, aids in weight loss, and promotes healthy bone growth.
Who would benefit from vitamin D?
- Anyone who is not exposed regularly to sunlight
- Anyone who has an autoimmune disease, inflammation, and/or cancer
- Anyone who avoids healthy fats in their diet
- Anyone taking medications or antibiotics
- Anyone who who feels tired and lacks vitality
It is important to get Vitamin D levels checked regularly as a deficiency can lead to many health issues. Talk to our practitioners at Weighless MD about other key supplements to take with Vitamin D.